The following is a forwarded email from Mohamed Elmi, a brother residing in Dammaj, Yemen.
Sheikh Yahya introduction to the letter from Sheikh Saleem Hilalee
He says:"Since the fitnah of Abul Hassan al Ma'rabee up until now we haven't heard anything from Sheikh Saleem Hilalee. However, we have always considered the position of Shiekh Saleem al Hilalee to be closer than that of Ali Hassan Al Halabi, today a letter has arrived consisting of good news (from Shiekh Saleem al Hilalee) showing his position is different from that which Ali Hassan Al Halabi is upon. We have decided to read this letter to give the people glad tidings, for verily we are pleased with the firmness and saddened by the instability of a salafee wherever he may be especially when the individual is a da'ee (caller to Allah), author and from the people of knowledge.
"The letter:
In the name of Allah Most Merciful, the Most Gracious
All praise is due to Allah alone may He preserve and exalt the mention of His slave (Muhammad) as well as his kinsfolk and his companions.
From: Saleem bin Eid Al-Hilaalee
To: His brother in Islam Sheikh Yahya Al-Hajooree
May Allah grant him along with his brothers the mashaykh (scholars) of the Salafee dawah in the fortunate land of Yemen success in the obtainment of all goodness and preserve them from all evil.
I hope that you, your family, your brothers the mashaykh and your students are in the best of health and well being in that which relates to the matters of the Dunya(this life) and the Aakhira(hereafter).
My prestigious brother, verily keeping ties between us is from the most significant of ways which will aid in the manifestation of many matters. These matters being the likes of which, disorder may occur in the manner they are transmitted or confusion in their reports or individuals who have personal interests may use to distort (the truth).
It has therefore; become clear to me that Allah has made keeping ties with my brothers as well as the scholars a strengthening force for me. Perhaps you recall when I sent a letter to Sheikh Muqbil seeking his council in the establishment of the Sheikh Albani centre, may Allah have mercy upon him. May Allah also reward you with goodness for conveying the Sheikh's response to me when we met in Great Britain.
My beloved brother may Allah strengthen you with His obedience and aid you with the Sunnah. By the praise and prosperity of Allah, I have not ceased and will not cease to love, call to and remain steadfast upon the salafee methodology by the permission of Allah. This methodology, that I have learnt from our scholars Al-Albani, Ibn Baz, Uthaymeen and Muqbil may Allah have mercy upon them all. We aid the salafees in every time and place while exempting ourselves from the people of innovations and the hizbees (people of partisanship) and whosoever treads their path.
Henceforth, I have made clear in my book "the Modern day Islamic groups in the light of the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf As-Salih" which I wrote nearly 30 years ago my position towards the movements of the people of partisanship and whatsoever resembles it.
As for those callers who in their early stages of their dawah seemed to be upon firmness from that which was apparent to us, then they turned their shields towards dawatus salafiyah. I have nothing to do with them! In the present time nor the future, until they stop praising the people of innovation and abandon them, then return to this blessed dawah. They must also retract their statements which contradicted the foundations of dawatu salafiyah, these individuals being the likes of Adnan Al Arour, Al-Magrahwee, and Abul Hassan Al Ma'rabee. Furthermore, I do not consider Mohammed Hassan or Al- Huwanee or those who side with them in Egypt to be salafees, rather they are certified qutubiyoon (followers of the ideology of Sayid Qutb). I have declared this in some of my books and many of my lessons.
For approximately the past 2 and half years, I have not had any relations whatsoever with those in Jordan as of late who praise, recommend and make excuses for the previously mentioned individuals. Also in my book "the methodologies of modern Islamic movements" I have established in detail my standpoint towards voting, which I hold to be a satanic blueprint in which the merchants of the dawah (those possessing worldly gains) have taken as a ladder (in reaching their goals).
In spite of our lack of communication when I am inquired about you then I have not ceased to mention you with good and I encourage any student to attend Darul Hadith in Dammaj when my advice is sought. Since the era of Sheikh Muqbil, I have always regarded (Darul Hadith in Dammaj) a strong hold of the correct dawatus salafiyah.I hope this letter will initiate good relations between us in our co-operation upon piety and taqwa (fear of Allah) as well as commanding one another with truth and patience, while we seek council from each other in that which will aid us in remaining steadfast upon the true salafee methodology.
I wish for you and your brothers the mashaykh in Yemen every good and success, I also ask our protector the mighty and great to unify us and our people upon the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions, may Allah bless our dawah(call to Allah) and keep us save from the evil of the people of disbelief , desires and innovations. May Allah not create for them a path towards us, verily He is the All-capable.
Your beloved brother Abu Usamah Saleem Al -Hilalee12th Rabee Al- awaal 1430(hijrah).
Translation by: Abu Tu'raab As-Somali Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj