The following are some traits to be wary of:
1. The envier is always angry at the decree of Allaah.
2. The envier always complains and rarely thanks Allah even if he owns the whole world.
3. He follows up the mistakes if the one whom he envies, and tries to seek out his faults, and exposes them and exaggerates about them before others.
4. He conceals or ignores or belittles the good qualities and distinguishing characteristics of the person whom he envies.
5. So you will notice that the envier cannot speak in front of the one whom he envies without addressing him in a laughing, jocular manner, but deep down he is filled with hatred and resentment that is clear from the way in which he looks at him.
6. He clearly criticizes the one whom he envies, with or without evidence.
7. He looks for opportunities and makes the most of any chance to harm the one whom he envies in himself or his wealth.
8. Finally, the envier is a troubled man, due to the resentment that is always festering in his heart, so depression and dullness show on his face.
At-Turqul-Hisaan Fi Amradil Jaan
(The Jinn and Human Sickness, by Dr. Abul-Mundhir Khaleel ibn Ibraheem Ameen, pgs. 263-264)
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Distinguishing a particular night with worship
Question: Some people seek Laylatul-Qadar so they active by offering their prayers and other forms of worship whilst they do not do likewise on other nights in Ramadhaan, so is this in accordance with that which is correct?
Response: No! It is not in accordance with that which is correct, for certainly Laylatul-Qadar changes. So it could be on the night of the twenty seventh, and it could be on any other night as has been indicated in many ahaadeeth.
It has been confirmed that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((In that particular year Laylatul-Qadar was revealed on the night of the twenty first)). Therefore it is not befitting for a person to specify his stand (in prayer) on a particular night or distinguish a night which he yearns to be Laylatul-Qadar (likewise). (Rather) striving in all of the last ten nights is from the guidance of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), since when the last ten nights arrived he would tighten his waist belt and awaken his family and used to spend them all awake (in worship). So that which is befitting for the prudent believer is to strive in all of the last ten nights such that the reward does not pass him by.
Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 855, Fatwa No.844;Fiqh al-Ibaadaat libni 'Uthaymeen - Page 207
Response: No! It is not in accordance with that which is correct, for certainly Laylatul-Qadar changes. So it could be on the night of the twenty seventh, and it could be on any other night as has been indicated in many ahaadeeth.
It has been confirmed that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((In that particular year Laylatul-Qadar was revealed on the night of the twenty first)). Therefore it is not befitting for a person to specify his stand (in prayer) on a particular night or distinguish a night which he yearns to be Laylatul-Qadar (likewise). (Rather) striving in all of the last ten nights is from the guidance of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), since when the last ten nights arrived he would tighten his waist belt and awaken his family and used to spend them all awake (in worship). So that which is befitting for the prudent believer is to strive in all of the last ten nights such that the reward does not pass him by.
Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 855, Fatwa No.844;Fiqh al-Ibaadaat libni 'Uthaymeen - Page 207
Monday, 14 September 2009
The ruling on whoever only fasts and prays during Ramadhan.
by Albaseerah
Question:If a person is active in fasting and praying only during Ramadhan, but he leaves off the prayer as Ramadhan ends, does he have a fast?
The prayer is a pillar from the pillars of Islam, and it is the most emphasized pillar after the two Testimonies of Faith. It is from the mandatory duties upon the individuals, and whoever abandons it while rejecting its obligation or due to laxity or laziness, then he has disbelieved.
In reference to those who fast Ramadhan and they only pray during Ramadhan, then this is an attempt to deceive Allah. What wicked people these are who do not know Allah except during Ramadhan.
Thus, their fast is not acceptable while they are abandoning the prayer outside of Ramadhan.
Permanent Committee for Research and VerdictsFatawa Islamiyah Page no, 247 Vol: 2
Source: Fatwa Islaam
Question:If a person is active in fasting and praying only during Ramadhan, but he leaves off the prayer as Ramadhan ends, does he have a fast?
The prayer is a pillar from the pillars of Islam, and it is the most emphasized pillar after the two Testimonies of Faith. It is from the mandatory duties upon the individuals, and whoever abandons it while rejecting its obligation or due to laxity or laziness, then he has disbelieved.
In reference to those who fast Ramadhan and they only pray during Ramadhan, then this is an attempt to deceive Allah. What wicked people these are who do not know Allah except during Ramadhan.
Thus, their fast is not acceptable while they are abandoning the prayer outside of Ramadhan.
Permanent Committee for Research and VerdictsFatawa Islamiyah Page no, 247 Vol: 2
Source: Fatwa Islaam
How the salaf were (and weren't) when hearing the Qur'an and Dhikr.
from Sayings of the Salaf Updates
It was said to ‘Â`ishah – Allâh be pleased with her, “There are people who faint when they hear the Quran.” She said. “The Quran is nobler than to have people lose their minds from it. Rather, it [should be] as Allâh the Mighty and Sublime said:
Those who fear their Lord tremble with fear by it, then their skins and hearts settle to the remembrance of Allah. (Sûrah Al-Zumar: 23)
Abû ‘Ubayd Al-Qâsim b. Sallâm, Fadâ`il Al-Qur`ân p214.
It is reported that ‘Abdullâh b. ‘Urwah b. Al-Zubayr said, “I asked my grandmother Asmâ` (bint Abî Bakr) – Allâh be pleased with her, ‘How were the Companions of Allâh’s Messenger – Allâh peace and praise be upon him – when they heard the Quran?’ She replied, ‘their eyes would shed tears and they would tremble (with fear), as Allâh described them (in the Quran).’ I said, ‘There are some people here who, when they hear the Quran, fall down unconscious,’ She said, ‘I seek refuge with Allâh from the accursed Shaytân.’”
Al-Bayhaqî, Shu’ab Al-Îmân 3:417; Ibn Al-Mubârak, Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqâ`iq 3:54 with a slightly variant wording.
It is also reported that Asmâ` was asked, “Did any of the Salaf used to faint out of the fear of Allâh?” She replied, “No, but they used to cry.”
Al-Qâsim b. Salâm, op. cit. p214.
It is reported that Ibn ‘Umar – Allâh be pleased with him – once passed by a man from Iraq who had dropped unconscious. He asked, “What is wrong with him?” [People] replied, “When the Quran is recited to him or he hears the remembrance of Allâh he falls unconscious out of his fear of Allâh.” Ibn ‘Umar said, “We fear Allâh and we do not drop unconscious!”
Ibid p214; Al-Baghawî in his Tafsîr, Sûrah Al-Zumar: 23 with a slightly variant wording.
It is reported that Anas b. Mâlik was asked about people who drop unconscious when the Quran is recited to them. He said, “That is the behavior of the Khawârij.”
Al-Qâsim b. Salâm, op. cit. p215.
It is reported that Muhammad b. Sîrîn said, having been asked about a man who drops unconscious when the Quran is recited to him,
“Make an appointment between us and him, we will sit on a wall, and the Quran – from beginning to end – will be recited unto him. If he falls off the wall, he is as he claims.”
Ibid., Al-Baghawî, op. cit.
It was said to ‘Â`ishah – Allâh be pleased with her, “There are people who faint when they hear the Quran.” She said. “The Quran is nobler than to have people lose their minds from it. Rather, it [should be] as Allâh the Mighty and Sublime said:
Those who fear their Lord tremble with fear by it, then their skins and hearts settle to the remembrance of Allah. (Sûrah Al-Zumar: 23)
Abû ‘Ubayd Al-Qâsim b. Sallâm, Fadâ`il Al-Qur`ân p214.
It is reported that ‘Abdullâh b. ‘Urwah b. Al-Zubayr said, “I asked my grandmother Asmâ` (bint Abî Bakr) – Allâh be pleased with her, ‘How were the Companions of Allâh’s Messenger – Allâh peace and praise be upon him – when they heard the Quran?’ She replied, ‘their eyes would shed tears and they would tremble (with fear), as Allâh described them (in the Quran).’ I said, ‘There are some people here who, when they hear the Quran, fall down unconscious,’ She said, ‘I seek refuge with Allâh from the accursed Shaytân.’”
Al-Bayhaqî, Shu’ab Al-Îmân 3:417; Ibn Al-Mubârak, Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqâ`iq 3:54 with a slightly variant wording.
It is also reported that Asmâ` was asked, “Did any of the Salaf used to faint out of the fear of Allâh?” She replied, “No, but they used to cry.”
Al-Qâsim b. Salâm, op. cit. p214.
It is reported that Ibn ‘Umar – Allâh be pleased with him – once passed by a man from Iraq who had dropped unconscious. He asked, “What is wrong with him?” [People] replied, “When the Quran is recited to him or he hears the remembrance of Allâh he falls unconscious out of his fear of Allâh.” Ibn ‘Umar said, “We fear Allâh and we do not drop unconscious!”
Ibid p214; Al-Baghawî in his Tafsîr, Sûrah Al-Zumar: 23 with a slightly variant wording.
It is reported that Anas b. Mâlik was asked about people who drop unconscious when the Quran is recited to them. He said, “That is the behavior of the Khawârij.”
Al-Qâsim b. Salâm, op. cit. p215.
It is reported that Muhammad b. Sîrîn said, having been asked about a man who drops unconscious when the Quran is recited to him,
“Make an appointment between us and him, we will sit on a wall, and the Quran – from beginning to end – will be recited unto him. If he falls off the wall, he is as he claims.”
Ibid., Al-Baghawî, op. cit.
Friday, 11 September 2009
An Abandoned Sunnah - During The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said ," That during Ramadan Allah's messenger (Sallahu `Alaihiwassalam) would sleep , wake up and pray. However when the last ten days came he would burn the midnight oil, avoid relations with his wives, perform a Ghusl between Maghrib and Isha and have dinner at the time of Sahur."
Collected by : Ibn Abee `Asim. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (795 H ) graded the isnad for this hadeeth as being Hasan.
Points of Benefit:
Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali mentioned his book "Taif Al-Muarif" that performing Ghusl between Maghrib and Isha is a Sunnah to be performed during the last ten days of Ramadan.
Ibn Jarir said about this hadeeth, " The Salaf used to considered it Sunnah to take Ghusl every night during the last ten days of Ramadan .
An-Nakhaee used to wash every night, while others used to wash and dab cologne on their bodies on the night they hoped was Laylutul Qadr.
It has been reported that Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) on the 24th night of Ramadan took a bath, put on some nice fragrance, and wore his best izar.
The next morning he took it off, folded it up and didn't wear it again until next Ramadan on the same occasion.
Ayyub As-Sakhtayanni (may Allah be pleased with him) used to bathe on the 23rd and 24th night , wear new clothes and burn incense to perfume his clothes.
Hamad ibn Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, " Thabit Bananee and Humayd At-Tawheel used to wear their best clothes, best fragrance and burn incense and spray aroma in the Masjid during the night in which the hoped to be Laylutul Qadr.
Tameem Ad-Daree (may Allah be pleased with him) bought an Izar for 1,000 Dirhams. He used to wear it on the night in which he anticipated was Laylutul Qadr.
Ibn Jarir-said," Therefore based on these acts from the Salaf, it establishes that it is recommended for the night in which a person thinks is Layultul Qadr to dress up, wear nice fragrance, and take a bath.
This is similar to the Sunnah for Jumu'ah and both Eed.
Translated By: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont BattleTaken from: Taif Al-Muarif by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (may Allah rest him in Jannah)
Collected by : Ibn Abee `Asim. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (795 H ) graded the isnad for this hadeeth as being Hasan.
Points of Benefit:
Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali mentioned his book "Taif Al-Muarif" that performing Ghusl between Maghrib and Isha is a Sunnah to be performed during the last ten days of Ramadan.
Ibn Jarir said about this hadeeth, " The Salaf used to considered it Sunnah to take Ghusl every night during the last ten days of Ramadan .
An-Nakhaee used to wash every night, while others used to wash and dab cologne on their bodies on the night they hoped was Laylutul Qadr.
It has been reported that Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) on the 24th night of Ramadan took a bath, put on some nice fragrance, and wore his best izar.
The next morning he took it off, folded it up and didn't wear it again until next Ramadan on the same occasion.
Ayyub As-Sakhtayanni (may Allah be pleased with him) used to bathe on the 23rd and 24th night , wear new clothes and burn incense to perfume his clothes.
Hamad ibn Salamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said, " Thabit Bananee and Humayd At-Tawheel used to wear their best clothes, best fragrance and burn incense and spray aroma in the Masjid during the night in which the hoped to be Laylutul Qadr.
Tameem Ad-Daree (may Allah be pleased with him) bought an Izar for 1,000 Dirhams. He used to wear it on the night in which he anticipated was Laylutul Qadr.
Ibn Jarir-said," Therefore based on these acts from the Salaf, it establishes that it is recommended for the night in which a person thinks is Layultul Qadr to dress up, wear nice fragrance, and take a bath.
This is similar to the Sunnah for Jumu'ah and both Eed.
Translated By: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont BattleTaken from: Taif Al-Muarif by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali (may Allah rest him in Jannah)
Monday, 7 September 2009
We certainly do need a Ramadan!!

Assalamu 'alaykum! Afwan.....I know I'm a bit late with posting this, we're halfway through Ramadan already subhanAllaah! I hope everyone's fasting is going well insha Allaah.
I haven't blogged for a while on here, or even posted any articles, I'm sorry for that, I have to be honest about myself, I struggle alot with being consistent in many areas of my life, I do try to work on it, but often it's not enough. Insha Allaah I would like this Ramadan to be a fresh start for me, I have to fight my nafs, which is not always easy as I'm sure many of you will agree, but this is where I need to be most consistent insha Allaah, spending time on increasing in 'ilm (knowledge) and acting upon it, reading and memorising more of the Qur'an, making the effort again to pray the sunnah prayers, learning Arabic, improving my character, and many other things, but insha Allaah one step at a time, I just dont want another ramadan to go by and feel guilty that I've not made enough effort, at least I want to do better than last year insha Allaah.
Tonight I listened to Abu Uwais's lecture 'We need a Ramadan', masha'Allaah a great reminder for us as to why we should strive harder in Ramadan, and continue to keep it up after it insha Allaah.
Let us all take this chance to try a bit harder this year, Allaah knows if this is our last Ramadan, let's not waste it insha Allaah, and I advise myself firstly with this.
May Allaah accept our fasts, du'a and salaat and any good deeds we do for his sake only, ameen!!!
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